Mindfulness Techniques Positively Impact Your Workout

Personal Trainers in Johannesburg, Pretoria and Cape Town - MINDFULNESS TECHNIQUES POSITIVELY IMPACT YOUR WORKOUT

Rather than brute force and discipline, mindful integrity may be the key to sticking to your workout regime. Here’s how your personal trainer can help get you on the mindfulness train!

Mindfulness is all about staying in the present moment. It’s paying attention to your thoughts and feelings as they pop up, and a thoughtful attunement to what’s going on inside your body and mind. 

When you’re working out, feelings of struggle, criticism, or wanting to rush through it may arise. But when your personal trainer encourages you to be deliberate in every action you take, you can learn to become aware of the layer that exists between you and your experience. This is fundamentally what mindfulness is about. 

Mindfulness tip while you work out 
If your mind wanders into self-criticism during your workout, try this: 

Notice your thoughts and gently redirect it to sensations in the present.

Fun fact! 
A research study of 62 women over a period of six months discovered that those who practiced mindfulness meditation daily or weekly actually exercised more and had a greater loss in BMI, than those who didn’t practise mindfulness.  

If you’ve asked yourself, “Can a personal trainer come to me?”, or wondered about online personal training sessions, then get in touch with Bodyback’s expert fitness trainers. Click here to see our package options.

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